The Daily Natural Philosophy Journal
All ages. For younger children, the parent should ask questions and fill out the daily log.
Year-round. This exercise should take no more than five minutes twice a day. Results will be best if performed daily for at least two years.
- To instill wonder at God’s good world.
- To cultivate observational skills and daily discipline.
- To familiarize the student with local, seasonal patterns of life.
- To provide a platform for future activities.
- An outdoor thermometer
- A notebook (or a stack of observation logs printed, three-hole punched, and kept in a three-ring binder**)
Mount the thermometer in a sheltered place, away from doors and windows, where the sun won’t hit it.
Every morning…
As soon as possible after sunrise:
- Start a new, dated entry.
- Remind yourself, “this is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice, and be glad it in it!” (Psalm 118:24)
- Record the A.M. temperature, wind direction, and weather conditions. (Check the wind direction by wetting your finger and holding it up in the air. The side the wind is coming from will feel colder.)
- Note any interesting observations; e.g. frost on the grass or thick morning fog.
Every afternoon…
In the mid-to-late afternoon, before sunset:
- Record the P.M. temperature and weather conditions.
- Note any interesting observations made during the day: new flowers blooming; new animals that appear; new animal behaviors observed (e.g. squirrels chasing each other or burying nuts).
- Record one thing for which you are thankful.
Keep your notes neat and readable.
Daily, as convenient…
With an adult, take a walk around the yard and look for interesting things. Talk about what you see, and afterward note anything new.
Every month…
At the beginning of each month, look back on the past month’s observations.
- Note the highest and lowest temperatures observed in the A.M.
- Note the highest and lowest temperatures observed in the P.M.
- Note the number of days with rain, snow, or frost.
- Note the first or last dates of any significant flower blooms, animal arrivals, or animal behaviors.
Once you have completed a year of observations, when you are filling out the monthly log, compare the month to previous years. Is it the same? Is it different? Do you notice any patterns?
This lesson plan is the foundational practice for many more lessons to come. Our first full unit study is ready. We call it Kitchen Counter Salad Science, and we are busy preparing more to follow.
If you like our approach, we hope you’ll consider joining our email list. We want to explain our objectives, and provide more sample lesson plans that build on this foundation.
Even if you never buy any curriculum from us, though, our hope is to give you a new perspective on the role of science in the home school, one that fully integrates faith in Christ with the study of the natural world and its wonders.
We call this perspective “Learning to see.”
In the first email, David will regale you with one of his favorite stories: the one about the invisible chipmunks.
Of course, as fellow homeschool parents, we have the utmost respect for your time. We will never spam you or waste your precious time. You can unsubscribe at any point.
Thank you for giving us your time and attention! May God bless you and your family.
Peace in Christ,
David & Susan Eyk
Oak River Press